Ningbo Gianon Biotech Co.,Ltd.


Celia (F)
Linda Chen (F)
Flower (F)
Product Name: Panax Ginseng Leaf Extract
Latin Name: :Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer
English Name: Panax Ginseng
The Used Part: Leaf
Appearance: Yellow-white or brown-yellow powder, very bitter
Panax Ginseng Leaf Extract was refined from the stein and leaf of ginseng, which belongs to the araliaceous plants. It was a white powder and mainly contained eighteen ginseng monosomic saponins. It could be dissolved in 80 degree Celsius water and ethanol. Panax Ginseng Leaf Extract is the most widely used one of the ginseng extract, mainly used in pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, can be prepared as anti-fatigue, anti-aging and brain health foods used in cosmetics industry, can be prepared into the freckle curing cosmetics, reduce wrinkles, activating skin cells and enhance skin elasticity of cosmetics; can also use to food additives.
Available Specification
Ginsenosides 80%UV (50%HPLC yellow-white powder)
Ginsenosides 80%UV (Ginsenoside Re > 23% HPLC)
Ginsenosides 20-80%UV (7-50%HPLC , Brown-yellow powder)
Pharmaceutical raw materials
Food and Drink for health care
Food additive